Im back from a fantastic weekend with all my new best friends at Woodworking in America. While Ill eventually probably write a post about it, this week Im back to writing about The Village Carpenter. So heres a laundry list of sorts about Karis tools and benches.
Karis Saw-as-a-sawbuck-table-rack. |
Following a somewhat typical arrangement, Karis Powermatic cabinet saw takes center position in the shop. When I visited it was protected under a drop cloth and the pieces of Karis Sawbuck table were laid out on the saw, in various stages of the finishing process. I think the dominant position of her table saw and its use as a finishing/assembly table is an apt metaphor for Karis appreciation of power tools and her love of hand tools.
A corner of Delta goodness. |
Other power tools which surround the perimeter of the shop include a Delta benchtop mortiser and drill press, a Delta belt/disc sander, a Delta benchtop shaper, a Makita miter saw, a Delta ambient air filter, a Yorkcraft 6" jointer, a Delta lunchbox planer, two (2) Jet lathes, a Jet bandsaw, a Delta benchtop bandsaw, two (2) Delta bench grinders, a Tormak sharpening station, three (3) dust collectors and two (2) shop vacs.
Karis Bench with dog hole residing light. |
There are various benches throughout the shop, mostly along the side wall. Starting at the entry door from the bedroom, there is a sharpening bench in the corner. This is followed along the side wall by an antique workbench and a modern commercial bench which have Karis wall mounted tool cabinet and her vintage plane shelves tucked between them. Between the bedroom entry door and the table saw there is a functional (and mostly complete) assembly table. The final bit of bench space is more of a counter in the far corner, between the back entry door and the French doors. This counter provides a home for the benchtop bandsaw, midi lathe and woodworking books.
Karis hand tool depository. |
When all of these tools and benches are added together in their purpose built room, Kari ends up with a purpose built woodshop that caters to her needs and allows the Village Carpenter to turn out quality pieces demonstrating her dedication to, and mastery of, fine woodworking.
Next week, Ill write up my brief Q&A with Kari (Ill warn you now my notes are lacking) and well wrap this up with more photos and Karis own shop tour video. Until then, how many power tools in your shop?
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